agency_abbrv[1] agency_name title description file_format online_publication location_or_url disclosure original_data_owner data_maintainer date_released (or coverage) frequency_of_update
Agency abbreviation Name of agency (spelled out) Title of the information Description of the information CSV, XLS, SHP, KML, TXT, PDF, DOC, Standard (hard copy) etc. Yes/No Location of published information or URL for direct download Whether the information is either of the following:
- public: info can be disclosed for public consumption regardless of identity
exception: info is under the Exceptions List
internal: info only for agency consumption
with fee: info can be disclosed but with corresponding charges based on the agency's mandate/policies/business model
limited: info, upon verification of the requesting party's identity, can only be disclosed to specific person/s and/or entity/ies
Agency or office who origninally owns the information Unit responsible for the information The date when the information was initially released (YYYY-MM-DD) Daily, Annually, Biannually, Quarterly, Monthly
PLLO Presidential Legislative Liaison Office Republic Acts from Ramos to Duterte Administartion List of Republic Acts Under the Ramos Administration to the Present Standard Yes Public Republic of the Philippines FOI Officers 1992 - Present n/a
PLLO Presidential Legislative Liaison Office FOI Bill Latest Copy of FOI Bill filed at the House of Representatives and Senate of the Philippines PDF Yes Public Congress FOI Officers 25-Jul-16 n/a
PLLO Presidential Legislative Liaison Office Maternity Leave Extension Bill Status Update on Maternity Leave Extension Bill n/a Yes Public Congress FOI Officers 04-Oct-18 n/a
PLLO Presidential Legislative Liaison Office Recommendation Letter Recommendation Letter relative to the Complaint Before the Commission on Higher Education n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
PLLO Presidential Legislative Liaison Office List of PLLO Officials, Officers and Staff List of People Working Under PLLO as of 2018 n/a No n/a Limited PLLO PLLO - AFMD (Human Resource) n/a n/a
PLLO Presidential Legislative Liaison Office Maternity Leave Extension Bill Status Update on Maternity Leave Extension Bill n/a Yes Public Congress FOI Officers 04-Oct-18 n/a

[1] start here po
-Michelle Manza
lagyan mo na lang ng formula yung sum
-Michelle Manza
_Marked as resolved_
-Michelle Manza
-Justine Cubos