agency_abbrv[1] | agency_name | title | description | file_format | online_publication | location_or_url | disclosure | original_data_owner | data_maintainer | date_released (or coverage) | frequency_of_update |
Agency abbreviation | Name of agency (spelled out) | Title of the information | Description of the information | CSV, XLS, SHP, KML, TXT, PDF, DOC, Standard (hard copy) etc. | Yes/No | Location of published information or URL for direct download | Whether
the information is either of the following: - public: info can be disclosed for public consumption regardless of identity - exception: info is under the Exceptions List - internal: info only for agency consumption - with fee: info can be disclosed but with corresponding charges based on the agency's mandate/policies/business model - limited: info, upon verification of the requesting party's identity, can only be disclosed to specific person/s and/or entity/ies |
Agency or office who origninally owns the information | Unit responsible for the information | The date when the information was initially released (YYYY-MM-DD) | Daily, Annually, Biannually, Quarterly, Monthly |
PLLO | Presidential Legislative Liaison Office | Republic Acts from Ramos to Duterte Administartion | List of Republic Acts Under the Ramos Administration to the Present | Standard | Yes | | Public | Republic of the Philippines | FOI Officers | 1992 - Present | n/a |
PLLO | Presidential Legislative Liaison Office | FOI Bill | Latest Copy of FOI Bill filed at the House of Representatives and Senate of the Philippines | Yes | | Public | Congress | FOI Officers | 25-Jul-16 | n/a | |
PLLO | Presidential Legislative Liaison Office | Maternity Leave Extension Bill | Status Update on Maternity Leave Extension Bill | n/a | Yes | | Public | Congress | FOI Officers | 04-Oct-18 | n/a |
PLLO | Presidential Legislative Liaison Office | Recommendation Letter | Recommendation Letter relative to the Complaint Before the Commission on Higher Education | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
PLLO | Presidential Legislative Liaison Office | List of PLLO Officials, Officers and Staff | List of People Working Under PLLO as of 2018 | n/a | No | n/a | Limited | PLLO | PLLO - AFMD (Human Resource) | n/a | n/a |
PLLO | Presidential Legislative Liaison Office | Maternity Leave Extension Bill | Status Update on Maternity Leave Extension Bill | n/a | Yes | | Public | Congress | FOI Officers | 04-Oct-18 | n/a |